Mechanical Low Back, Mid Back, and Neck Pain
Disc Related Low Back and Neck Pain (Disc Bulge, Disc Herniation’s, Sciatica Related Pain)
Trigger Point Pain and Referral
Wellness Care
Postural Strain (Desk Work, Repetitive Tasks)
Muscle Strains (ex. Hamstring Pulls)
Ligament Sprains (ex. Rolled Ankle)
Headaches (Migraine, Cervicogenic, Tension Type)
Shoulder Injuries (Separations, Dislocations, Labral and Rotator Cuff Tears)
Whiplash Associated Disorders
Upper and Lower Extremity Nerve Entrapment’s (Pinched Nerves)
Medial or Lateral Epicondylitis (Aka. Golfer’s Elbow/Tennis Elbow)
Running Injuries (Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITB), Patellofemoral Pain, Shin Splints, Jumpers Knee, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fascitis)
Knee Sprains and Tears (MCL, ACL, LCL, PCL, Meniscus)
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Temporomandibular (TMJ) Myofasical Pain
Chronic Stress
Muscle Activation (Recovery, Post Injury Rehab)
Increased Proprioception (Body Awareness)
Headaches (Migraine, Cervicogenic, Tension Type)
Medial or Lateral Epicondylitis (Aka. Golfer’s Elbow/Tennis Elbow)
Chronic Stress
Acute or Chronic Pain Conditions
Myofascial Trigger Points and Referral
Muscle Strains
Increased Collagen Production (Scar Reduction, Ligament Sprains)
Additional Services
Custom Orthotics
Custom made orthotics are generally used to correct biomechanical issues in gait (walking). It can also aid in treating a variety of issues in the foot, lower extremity and the lower back. Common conditions that utilize the use of orthotics include medial knee osteoarthritis, pes planus (flat feet), mechanical low back pain, and functional leg length discrepancies. Click to learn more from my supplier, The Orthotic Group.
Sports Performance and Coverage
Having a passion for sport related care, I’ve always surrounded myself with work across all sport professions. With experience as a trainer working first hand with athletes in the GTHL, I’ve emphasized the value of dynamic warm ups, proper hydration, and recovery principles as the core responsibilities for my team. If needed, I intend to provide the same care for your sports team or organization, providing sport specific training and expertise from my educational background for injury management and prevention.
On-Site Presentations and Networking
While doing outreaches in public school boards, hospital networks, and local community events, I find that talking face to face about issues can answer questions better then a fancy website at times ;). Therefore, I’m available for collaborations in regards to presentations or working relationships for your specific workplace issues and needs.
Private Care
While I encourage any patient to check out my clinic locations, I have limited availability to treat at a patients home or private location. Private care is dependent on the patients needs, conditions, and day to day logistics.